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Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri

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Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri  Empty Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri

Post  Wes Littrell May 20th 2021, 8:41 pm

I very much apologize, I thought I had put the info out there. It has been a very tough year for my family and my mind hasn’t been where it needs to be. Hopefully everything turns out well, I’m very nervous about this move. The dates for the all Ford Race at Bonne Terre will be June 10-12. I’m including Thursday night in the dates, because several of us show up at the track Thursday and hang out. Friday night will be test and tune. Then Saturday morning will be the all Ford race. Then Saturday night the track will have their normal program. $25 for Friday t and t, $35 for the ford race Saturday. $10 Saturday for spectators. I believe their racing is $50. As always with our race it’s 100% payout minus cost. 7640 Black Berry Ln, Bonne Terre, MO 63628 Folks. Things unfortunately have changed. I’m very sorry but the track owner will not have help Friday for early test and tune and we will have to run their test and tune. The cost will be $$35 Saturday and $25 for his t and t Friday night. I don’t even know how Saturday is going to work. This was supposed to be worked out but I guess he misunderstood. So few of people have shown interest this year. I definitely understand several people have broken cars and other life events. This will be the last year I will be hosting this event. There is talk in the works for someone to take it over if everything works out. I’m very sorry for this. I thought this would be a good move but apparently not. It’s been my pleasure doing this and I consider you all family and if you don’t want to come this year, I definitely understand. Let me know if you still want to come.

Last edited by Wes Littrell on June 6th 2021, 6:14 pm; edited 4 times in total
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

Posts : 647
Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 53
Location : Mid Mo

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Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri  Empty Re: Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri

Post  rmcomprandy May 21st 2021, 10:30 am

Wes Littrell wrote:I very much apologize, I thought I had put the info out there. It has been a very tough year for my family and my mind hasn’t been where it needs to be. Hopefully everything turns out well, I’m very nervous about this move. The dates for the all Ford Race at Bonne Terre will be June 10-12. I’m including Thursday night in the dates, because several of us show up at the track Thursday and hang out. Friday will be test and tune, then the tracks normal T and T that night. Then Saturday morning will be the all Ford race. Then Saturday night the track will have their normal program. Plenty of time to race. $20 for Friday t and t, $50 for the ford race Saturday or $60 for the weekend. $10 a day for spectators. I believe their test and tune is $25 and racing is $50. As always with our race it’s 100% payout minus cost.

You might want to include the complete address of the track.


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Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri  Empty Re: Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri

Post  Wes Littrell May 24th 2021, 11:55 am

7640 Black Berry Ln, Bonne Terre, MO 63628  I added it to the post
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

Posts : 647
Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 53
Location : Mid Mo

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Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri  Empty Re: Ford Race Bonne Terre, Missouri

Post  Wes Littrell June 14th 2021, 10:59 am

Your winners are Brian Spears in box. Randy Stoykovich in no box and Brian ended up winning the run off between the classes. Big thanks for everyone coming and to our sponsors. Mike with Eliminator products, George Keown , Jon Best with Jomar and a great anonymous sponsor that has been part of the race for years but didn’t want to be recognized.
Wes Littrell
Wes Littrell

Posts : 647
Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 53
Location : Mid Mo

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