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Comp Cams info

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Comp Cams info Empty Comp Cams info

Post  Tore February 25th 2023, 11:08 am

At one time I thought that I heard their was a site they have you can put in the cam number and you can get the specs on the cam,

Does anyone know of this as I can't find it.

Tks Tore

Posts : 865
Join date : 2009-08-19

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Comp Cams info Empty Re: Comp Cams info

Post  supervel45 February 25th 2023, 9:12 pm

I remember the Comp Cams Card Library. I think they took it down when they merged with Holley.

Hopefully the above links can help you decipher the one you have.

If you can find the .050" Duration and LSA you can calculate the events with the Summit Cam Calculator program below.


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Comp Cams info Empty Re: Comp Cams info

Post  rmcomprandy February 26th 2023, 12:30 am

supervel45 wrote:

I remember the Comp Cams Card Library. I think they took it down when they merged with Holley.

Hopefully the above links can help you decipher the one you have.

If you can find the .050" Duration and LSA you can calculate the events with the Summit Cam Calculator program below.

Comp Cams never merged with Holley ... they were bought by the company who owns Edelbrock.


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Location : Roseville, Michigan

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Comp Cams info Empty Re: Comp Cams info

Post  Tore February 26th 2023, 3:25 pm

Thank you

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Comp Cams info Empty Re: Comp Cams info

Post  supervel45 February 26th 2023, 4:01 pm

You're welcome Tore. The Comp shelf 460 Ford cams all start with 34-XXX-4,5,8 or 9 usually, are possible also, for the last digit, in the catalog. Google finds them for me with the part number. Randy's right IOP bought Comp and Edelbrock. Lunati was Holley for awhile.

If anyone has a unknown custom grind this chart seems easier/faster to look up the lobes. Page {actual}150 and on, is the index and it gives the page number to look up the lobe spec's in the front of the catalog.


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Join date : 2013-09-04

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