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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  supervel45 May 26th 2023, 1:00 am

About the Size of Things. What he did not foresee is Cell Phones for Babies in the Cradle. That should work out Peachy. Wink


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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Re: Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  rmcomprandy May 26th 2023, 10:46 am

His "God made a farmer" recital is the best thing I have ever heard from him ... and he had a lot of good ones.

Although, "If I were the Devil", is another great one from him.


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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Re: Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  supervel45 May 26th 2023, 11:33 am

We could really use him today. He was the only one I can remember, who would be Honest enough, Intelligent enough and Articulate enough, to explain what's going on now.

The Question is would He be Brave Enough?


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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Re: Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  supervel45 July 16th 2023, 10:51 am

When WWI Combat Really ended, the Year after the 1918 Armistice in 1919.

Drinks Named After the Sides. Nobody knows why, almost. Also Reasons that it was lost to History Intentionally and That Paul Harvey Likely would not talk about it, and I thread lightly, if it's possible  and don't go into the full story as all Nations are embarrassed now for not taking them in because they did not want them either. They solved their Home Front Problems with a Pencil on a Map 3 years later after the second World War and continued the blood feud to this day with another Tribe/Tribes there in the new place that was Re-Occupied and it goes on in another Religious Land. It came to a Head in Europe in, an after WWII and Not Just Germany, EurAisa was scared of them also after what they had done to them During the War and did not want retribution in their sleep with a cut throat, in their bed. Also during the war even across the pond and in the UK the Royalty are Spit over a Mixed Member to the Family and they Left and are Feuding right now. Even Whoopie  Knows Race does Not make Religion or vice versa, no mater what your last name you co-op to try and get ahead is or 1 or 2% Stero Typing by Blood Lines, that was done by governments in the past and used to this day in America for Special Preferences on Official Forms. Even England for the Royals Now. The Religion Might get blamed though or the Race or Both. If you where/are Atheist No 3rd Box to Check on the Form, Blows the Machine into Chaos. Never Should have put any Boxes like That on Government Forms to separate and Oppress or worse.

If you think you have a solution for  right now for Utopia on Earth, you would be Wrong, No Mortal will ever Change it on a Global Scale or even in One Country. You can Offically Ban Religion but, their is only Two Way's to Ban Race in your Borders, Look where that goes and the Perpetual Cycle. More War!

And The Black one but only by Name and Pushed in the Black Sea on the way out.

And a Whole Bunch More. I bet it was not the official Google definition in 1949 and was around before.

It Also Sheads a Light on the Word Bear Describing a Certain Country in the Fist Link along with another Native Bear Named after said country Portrayed in Political Cartoon in a  Large Period American News Paper of the time in the US. Wink


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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Re: Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  supervel45 July 26th 2023, 2:11 am

^ Old Sins and Wounds Run Long and Deep. It is said to carry down 3 to 4 generations in Exodus for one Certain One.

The other kinds, mentioned before ( for secular minded folks ) I mentioned come up at very bad times in  again in History as the below link Portrays Now as in {7/25/2023}. The 3 Major Players in the below link all had Dirty Hands in the Atrocities erased from History Due to Neciessity and Polictal Expediency of the Time.

My belief about back then is Americans did the best they could in a World of almost no Good Guys at the Party {War} and Negotiating Table After,{WWII} to Divide the World into 5 Perminant Members ie U.S. U.K. U.S.S.R France and Taiwan/Republic of China {Formosa Island}. Note: The Big Five "Now" have the "Bomb" and a "Way/Way's" to Deploy it! Their are 4 other known members to have it, and a 5th "Claimed" just this year {2023} That Don't have a seat at the Head of the Big Table Now also. Other member Nations are More for Show in Serious Matters. Just the Way it Is.

The "New" 5th Wheel  was switched Later {Red China}, came much Later when the last one was switched to Democratic Peoples Republic of {Communist} China 1971 when we "U.S." were trying to get out of Vietnam without getting our asses shot off, funny that Detente, and, "Decent Interval", Nixon had Then. Korea UN Police Action CEASEFIRE of 1953 with (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) {Communist North Korea} I believe is the Longest current one still Holding in World History, without a Signed Armistice---{North Korea Does Not Consider What They Signed a Real Armistice and Break it Quite Often by Acts of War} or Peace Treaty or any other Settlement. The Military Option was not Working well in 1971 in the East Pacific Region at that Time.

The Table was being setup in Crimean {Yes that one spelt like Crime in English}  Resort City in February 1945 with Stalin in Tow at the Yalta Conference Meeting, of the "Big Three Winners of WWII" with Armies in Tact and "NOT"  Conqueered, and with  "Colaterial" { Land and People Holdings, (Captured or Otherwise) as Well as Economic Might Potential of Same } to Bring to the Pot", BEFORE JAPAN SURRENDED and "Still to be Part of the "Colaterial " War Booty" to be "Divided up between Who They Surrendered to First" Since the Victory in Europe,  and Replaced the League of Nations pretty much before it. V1 In the 2 below links for reference V2

^ Also Note: The Last Up-Date of the 3rd Above Link, 7/21/2023. Any info can be changed at anytime "with Electric Book's/Paper" Now! No "Small Matter in These Things".

Just Some Small Details of the Rest of the Story of the Current Condition.


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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Re: Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  supervel45 July 31st 2023, 7:14 pm

And So They Impeached President Trump for Asking About It. You Know the "Coruption" "Over There"!

^ 2018 1:05 Hour/Minute Video Worth Every Minute of The Time to Watch as to the State of World Affairs Then/Now. No Stuttering Either, Odd That.

It sounds like the previous administration was running a parallel Foreign Policy from 2017 to 2021 and explains the other "Boxes" floating around, that Had To Be "Picked Up".

Some of the Rest of The Story.

We Will Never Hear the Whole Truth.

MSM Can Only Stay MIA for So Long Though, Along with Lying Through Their Teeth and Have Any Credibility. Rolling Eyes


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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Re: Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  supervel45 August 3rd 2023, 5:22 pm

I Think the MSM Needs to Tell the Country "The Rest of the Story" on This One.

I am not so worried about the Defensive use of this "stuff" as much as I am worried about the Potential Offensive Use as in a Possible Sneak Attack. We Don't even share some of Our "Top Shelf Stuff" with our Historic Allies as It Should Be to keep it Protected.

I also have no Earthly Idea why so many Americans Think Communist Governments are our Buddies or Like Us Either. Oh I remember now, Teachers Unions and Marxist Infested Colleges, Never Mind.

It may or may not be true but, It is a Very Serious Matter and Should Not be Covered Up.


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Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History Empty Re: Paul Harvey 1965 And The Rest of the Story is History

Post  rmcomprandy August 4th 2023, 11:48 am

supervel45 wrote:I Think the MSM Needs to Tell the Country "The Rest of the Story" on This One.

I also have no Earthly Idea why so many Americans Think Communist Governments are our Buddies or Like Us Either. Oh I remember now, Teachers Unions and Marxist Infested Colleges, Never Mind.

They all need to be replaced...


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