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Tubi "Documentary" Listed In 2020

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Tubi "Documentary" Listed In 2020  Empty Tubi "Documentary" Listed In 2020

Post  supervel45 September 11th 2023, 1:00 am

At Least it was Presented That Way When I first saw it.

It about the Start of The 1960's World Wide and It's State and Oddities I guess you could say.

It is Not Rated or Censored and Not for the Faint of Heart. It might be good for the Wokie's and the Oldie's A Like To Remember How Some Things Were Back Then and Even Now in Some Places. It's A Wild World!

If You make it past the opening it gets pretty interesting and has a lot of Historic Video Not Seen often now.

I Wiki'ed It and the Off Shoots in the 1970's and 1980's are pretty Notorious with My and The Previous Generations,
So There's That.

The Original is Not Like That in My Opinion as It Covers Many Other Things From That Period.

At 1 Hour 16 Minute Mark May Make The Old American Car Collector Cringe. Serious $$$ Nowadays Gone.

The Opening By Line Para Phrased " Un-Biased Reporter " Say's It All. Neutral


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Join date : 2013-09-04

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