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460 to C6 block plate

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460 to C6 block plate Empty 460 to C6 block plate

Post  NO FAIR January 21st 2010, 11:08 pm

Looking for a block plate so I can bolt up my tranny.

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Age : 57
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460 to C6 block plate Empty Block plate

Post  blown473 January 21st 2010, 11:46 pm

I think I have 2 out in my shop, that are left overs from long ago. If you want one its yours free, you pay the shipping from Sacramento CA. I only run toploaders, and these were leftovers from engines I bought that had C-6's behind them. They have been hot tanked and painted, so you won't get greasy junk. Send me a pm if your interested. Greg blown473

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Age : 64

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460 to C6 block plate Empty Parts are on the way!

Post  blown473 January 22nd 2010, 8:37 pm

Sent you a pm, parts are on the way. Tracking# 0309 1830 0002 4199 9987 Post some more pics of that Fairlane, it looks real nice!

Posts : 376
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Age : 64

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460 to C6 block plate Empty Re: 460 to C6 block plate

Post  powerstrokeace January 22nd 2010, 9:16 pm

do you tink this plate will fit the c-4 as well?


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460 to C6 block plate Empty c4

Post  blown473 January 22nd 2010, 10:43 pm

Not sure if it would fit a c4, I have not personally seen the 460 to c4 housings. I sent him the 3 that were in my shop free, so you might see if any are available after he decides which he is going to use. Greg blown473

Posts : 376
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Age : 64

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460 to C6 block plate Empty Re: 460 to C6 block plate

Post  plsix September 27th 2012, 5:05 pm

blown473 wrote:I think I have 2 out in my shop, that are left overs from long ago. If you want one its yours free, you pay the shipping from Sacramento CA. I only run toploaders, and these were leftovers from engines I bought that had C-6's behind them. They have been hot tanked and painted, so you won't get greasy junk. Send me a pm if your interested. Greg blown473

I know this is an old post, but by chance do still have a block plate for c6 available.



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Join date : 2012-09-27

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460 to C6 block plate Empty Re: 460 to C6 block plate

Post  NO FAIR October 13th 2012, 10:08 pm

I have extras. My buddy Greg sent me 3 so I will pay it forward, same deal you pay shipping and you can have the plate for free, send me your info in a p.m.

Posts : 138
Join date : 2009-07-11
Age : 57
Location : Auburn,Wa

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