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A460 block with cracked main cap

Lem Evans
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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 6th 2010, 6:16 pm

I'm looking at buying a used a460 block, but the current owner told me the front main cap is cracked. Anyone here ever broken a cap on one? Should I consider buying this if the price is right? My brother runs a machine shop so replacing the caps and and boring the mains can be done for just the price of the caps. Are the mains available separate from the block?

Thanks Derek


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  dfree383 July 6th 2010, 6:21 pm

I never heard of cracking caps as a problem, I'd be worried about other stress problems, what was the block used for??

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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  Lem Evans July 6th 2010, 6:24 pm

Make sure it's the cap and not the block that is cracked at #1. There has to be a blown A460 sitting somewhere with a good #1 cap.

Lem Evans

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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 6th 2010, 6:50 pm

dfree383 wrote:I never heard of cracking caps as a problem, I'd be worried about other stress problems, what was the block used for??

Yeah I'm worried about that also. He didn't say what the block was used for. If I could get it cheap enough I think it might be worth my time. It seems to me it could be two things, either it could have possibly been a defective cap, or the block has underwent lots of abuse, or a combination of the two.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  rmcomprandy July 6th 2010, 6:57 pm

OR ... someone dropped the block on the front main.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  Lem Evans July 6th 2010, 6:58 pm

rmcomprandy wrote:OR ... someone dropped the block on the front main.
Smile ........ Shocked ....... Laughing

Lem Evans

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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 6th 2010, 7:26 pm

rmcomprandy wrote:OR ... someone dropped the block on the front main.

odder things have happened.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  c.evans July 6th 2010, 9:51 pm

I'm pretty sure I have an extra front main from an A-460 block. Just got to find it in the garage.

Uncle Charlie


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 6th 2010, 10:20 pm

c.evans wrote:I'm pretty sure I have an extra front main from an A-460 block. Just got to find it in the garage.

Uncle Charlie

Thanks Charlie, I'll get with you if the deal goes through.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  maverick July 6th 2010, 10:44 pm

rmcomprandy wrote:OR ... someone dropped the block on the front main.

I 've seen that done. It cracked the block right next to the front main stud. Mad

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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 12th 2010, 4:44 pm

It turns out that the block is cracked in the main saddle. I could've swore that he said the cap was cracked, but I may have just misunderstood him.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  dfree383 July 12th 2010, 4:52 pm

Thats one to pass on.......

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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  138 July 12th 2010, 6:10 pm

derek528 wrote:It turns out that the block is cracked in the main saddle. I could've swore that he said the cap was cracked, but I may have just misunderstood him.

buy the caps bounce


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  Paul Kane July 12th 2010, 6:16 pm

derek528 wrote:It turns out that the block is cracked in the main saddle.
Usually the result of a spun main that got really hot, the main almost always cracks perpendicular to the saddle right across (and through) the main oil feed, or it cracks in-line with the saddle from the main oil feed to the cam oil feed....or it cracks in both places.

Technically, such a main web crack is repairable by knowledgeable and experienced expert, but in an A460 block that may see gobs of power you are better off starting with a clean slate.

Paul Kane
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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  Paul Kane July 12th 2010, 6:19 pm

Derek, what is the asking price for this block?
Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 12th 2010, 10:08 pm

Paul Kane wrote:Derek, what is the asking price for this block?

He wanted 1500 for it and a set of used oliver 6.8 2.200 rods. When he told me that the block was cracked I lost interest and didn't negotiate any further. It seems like he doesn't want to sell the block alone.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  c.evans July 13th 2010, 1:31 am

Was this deal some kind of "find" on the internet? Was it's number 1 main webbing cracked all the way up to the camshaft?



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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 13th 2010, 4:43 pm

c.evans wrote:Was this deal some kind of "find" on the internet? Was it's number 1 main webbing cracked all the way up to the camshaft?


He just told me that it has a hairline crack in the main saddle connecting to one of the bolt holes. I found the block on racing junk. It is about 1.5 hours from me, so I have not seen it in person.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  c.evans July 13th 2010, 7:31 pm

I'd run away from it,,,,,if you are planning on making any kind of serious horsepower.



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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 13th 2010, 8:59 pm

c.evans wrote:I'd run away from it,,,,,if you are planning on making any kind of serious horsepower.


Yeah I decided against using it as soon as I found out the block was cracked. I've been looking for a used a460 block for awhile now, I guess I'll just keep looking.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  cool40 July 13th 2010, 9:55 pm

derek528 wrote:
c.evans wrote:I'd run away from it,,,,,if you are planning on making any kind of serious horsepower.


Yeah I decided against using it as soon as I found out the block was cracked. I've been looking for a used a460 block for awhile now, I guess I'll just keep looking.
this may not sound like i mean for it to so dont take me wrong,after having a few ass burnings you'll figure out that a new block would be a good investment.all too often the good deals are not so good by the time you fix a used part.if you stick with the folks on here you'll be ok but know what your payen for and what you want. Smile

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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

Post  derek528 July 14th 2010, 5:13 pm

cool40 wrote:
derek528 wrote:
c.evans wrote:I'd run away from it,,,,,if you are planning on making any kind of serious horsepower.


Yeah I decided against using it as soon as I found out the block was cracked. I've been looking for a used a460 block for awhile now, I guess I'll just keep looking.
this may not sound like i mean for it to so dont take me wrong,after having a few ass burnings you'll figure out that a new block would be a good investment.all too often the good deals are not so good by the time you fix a used part.if you stick with the folks on here you'll be ok but know what your payen for and what you want. Smile

I agree. I will probably end up buying a new block, but I'm still keeping me eyes open for a deal too good to pass up.


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A460 block with cracked main cap Empty Re: A460 block with cracked main cap

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