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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  8liter December 6th 2010, 10:10 am

I've seen the 429 cranks on here, but I haven't seen any 460 forgings. Aftermarket only? I'm looking at a turbo build.



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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  dfree383 December 6th 2010, 10:22 am

8liter wrote:I've seen the 429 cranks on here, but I haven't seen any 460 forgings. Aftermarket only? I'm looking at a turbo build.



Yes Aftermarket only..... or you can stroke a 429 forging with a smaller journal.

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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  IDT-572 December 6th 2010, 3:22 pm

It would take a hell of a bunch of turbo hp to break a stock 460 crank, how much do you think your goin to make?

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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  8liter December 6th 2010, 9:29 pm

IDT-572 wrote:It would take a hell of a bunch of turbo hp to break a stock 460 crank, how much do you think your goin to make?

Yea, your prolly right. With the journal overlap that those cranks have it makes them plenty stout. I was just looking for some extra insurance due to the fact that I'll be tuning on my own ( pale ). I hoping for an easy 800 hp, with the capacity to handle more in the future. Im putting splayed caps on my dove block and just figured I would get the short block as stout as I could. Something forged would give ma a little more peace of mind than a 40+ yr old cast crank.

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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  dfree383 December 7th 2010, 8:45 am

A non raced and inspected cast 460 crank is fine at 800 hp..... your first weak link will be the block. You can always get a scat 4.15 stroker in a forging for a relitivly decent price, Call Adney Brown at performance crank up.

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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  EVE December 18th 2010, 4:44 pm

8liter wrote:I've seen the 429 cranks on here, but I haven't seen any 460 forgings. Aftermarket only? I'm looking at a turbo build.



I still have my old forged BOSS destrked crank, if your interested I'll hook you up. It had a bearing spin on #7 so it will need ground. It was a 3.59 stroke with Chrysler rod journals. I even have the number for Diamond to make you the same pistons I ran with it.


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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  Paul Kane December 18th 2010, 4:53 pm

Assuming good tune, 800 +/- horsepower through a production 460 crankshaft should be no problem with turbos. Assuming good tune, 800 +/- horsepower through a production 460 2-bolt block with a little ol' 3.85 stroke crankshaft should be no problem. Come to think of it, I've just finished collecting all the parts for my own 800+/- twin turbo build, which will use a 2-bolt block and cast 3.85 stroke OEM crankshaft, if that makes you feel any better. Cool

Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

Post  EVE December 18th 2010, 5:00 pm

Paul Kane wrote:Assuming good tune, 800 +/- horsepower through a production 460 crankshaft should be no problem with turbos. Assuming good tune, 800 +/- horsepower through a production 460 2-bolt block with a little ol' 3.85 stroke crankshaft should be no problem. Come to think of it, I've just finished collecting all the parts for my own 800+/- twin turbo build, which will use a 2-bolt block and cast 3.85 stroke OEM crankshaft, if that makes you feel any better. Cool


Mine made over 1000rwhp with that crank and a stock 2 bolt block. Other then some cap walk it was all good. That will be a lot of fun in a boat.


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3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them? Empty Re: 3.85" forged crank....anyone have one or make them?

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