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"Evil Twin" Nostalgia twin engine dragster build.

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"Evil Twin" Nostalgia twin engine dragster build. Empty "Evil Twin" Nostalgia twin engine dragster build.

Post  DILLIGASDAVE Fri 1 Mar 2013 - 2:15

Evil Twin Nostalgia side by side twin engine dragster build, from inital concept ideas to tire smoking vids. Damn interesting. Cool

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"Evil Twin" Nostalgia twin engine dragster build. Empty Re: "Evil Twin" Nostalgia twin engine dragster build.

Post  Paul Kane Fri 1 Mar 2013 - 11:06

Eagle field is a couple of hours from where I currently live. I haven't been there yet but a couple of people I know go there regularly. And that twin engine dragster has been seen there, I've seen the pictures. Very cool indeed. The neat thing about Eagle Field is the nostalgic race cars and its nostalgic approach to the racing--it's a hangout for old school hard core racers, with very nostalgic race cars, races are still started with a flag man, etc.

Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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