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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BigRigTech May 29th 2016, 10:52 pm

My heap is loving the new rear suspension and pro drag radials. The DA was 200ft this morning and the hook was great...1st pass of the day was a 9.95 with one of my good friends tripping the 60ft timer with his rear wheels in the other lane. The 2nd pass was a 9.98...the 3rd pass - not so good. It wouldn't do a burn out, I thought the line lock crapped out so I staged anyway. It spun a little and took off but it didn't feel right. The oil pressure was 1/2 of what I usually see. I shut it off on the return road and got pushed back. Found #7 exhaust rocker stand busted off the head and the push rod in 2 pieces. No piston to valve contact. The cam and lifters look fine. I have the A429 heads Dave F had on the "cheapskate" build in the builds forum. I think I got off lucky but I'm going to pull it out and check everything. I put new springs in the front of the car and now under braking the low oil pressure light comes on pretty much every run now because the car noses down so much more. The pan is baffled but I need to improve it. Any suggestions there?

Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  13325640_10210172156204223_176990243727492548_n_zpslcjwzbjp

Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  IMG_3203_zps4i3a75lm

Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  IMG_3216_zpsmv2zy8sp

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Location : Hatchet Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  dfree383 May 29th 2016, 11:30 pm

Damn that sucks, need to weld up the boss.

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BBFTorino May 29th 2016, 11:34 pm

Add another quart or two of oil.


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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  cool40 May 29th 2016, 11:48 pm

If that is a solid cam you may look your lifters over for possible cause of oiling issue. I had a set of solid lifters with no restriction inside to keep from flooding oil to the top end. It's basically like solid rollers installed wrong,puts all your oil in the valve covers. That stud could have just broken but I'd say not. Retainer hitting the guide,coil binding,or a valve seal hung in the inner spring can do that. Just a few problems I've experienced. Laughing

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BigRigTech May 30th 2016, 10:02 am

I had 8L of oil in it. They are notched Johnson hygrade lifters that cam with my cam. I think it's an old canton pan but I'm not 100% positive. I only had the braking oil pressure if I really piled on the binders with the old springs. Now it's a fight every run to keep the light off. I'm wondering if I'm filling the covers with oil up top. It's a HV pump. I'm seeing 50-60psi at the stripe. Maybe I should have a HP pump instead of a HV? Or a stock pump?

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BigRigTech May 30th 2016, 10:04 am

There are 2 other welded bosses on either side of the broken one that Dave had repaired.

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BigBlockRanger May 31st 2016, 12:18 pm

200 foot DA!!

Daaaaaaannnnngggg!!! I'd love to get in on some of that!

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BigRigTech May 31st 2016, 12:30 pm

And our track is at 300ft above sea level. I saw 13ft on my weather station 15 min before that. We have raced in October with a -400DA.

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  richter69 May 31st 2016, 5:23 pm

BigBlockRanger wrote:200 foot DA!!

Daaaaaaannnnngggg!!!  I'd love to get in on some of that!

We get air like that here, in the middle of winter....

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BigRigTech May 31st 2016, 10:39 pm

We can get it here in the mornings during the May and Sept races. It was 3000ft Saturday afternoon. Wink

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  gt350hr June 1st 2016, 12:59 pm

You should invest in a stud girdle. Normally only required with a roller cam but since the head has ( now) three repairs , it's telling you something needs to change.


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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  D. Sea June 1st 2016, 2:01 pm

You need an Oil pressure accumulator. My car would do the same thing when I was running FEs and the accumulator cured the "Red Light" from the oil pressure sensor on deceleration.

Congrats on the Single Digit ET cheers
D. Sea
D. Sea

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Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke  Empty Re: Finally dipped into the 9's....and then broke

Post  BigRigTech June 1st 2016, 10:32 pm

gt350hr wrote:   You should invest in a stud girdle. Normally only required with a roller cam but since the head has ( now) three repairs , it's telling you something needs to change.

My engine has had rocker stud girdles for 5 years, one of the first things I bought. The heads were purchased with 2 stud bosses already repaired. Wink It was nice to hit the single digits as that was my goal for the summer so that's a big - CHECK!..LOL...Now to start going rounds more consistently - that's my next goal.

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Location : Hatchet Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada

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