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How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers

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How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers Empty How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers

Post  1EFF100 December 12th 2019, 10:23 am

Hydraulic flat tappet, stock style rockers, pedestal mount.


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How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers Empty Re: How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers

Post  BBFTorino December 12th 2019, 5:48 pm

You simply tighten them all the way down. There is no adjustment.


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How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers Empty Re: How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers

Post  Paul Kane December 12th 2019, 6:31 pm

1EFF100 wrote:Hydraulic flat tappet, stock style rockers, pedestal mount.

By working with both pedestal shims and pushrod length, I like to optimize the rocker arm geometry while netting 0.020"-0.030" plunger depression once the rocker bolt is tightened.

The last engine I built that used those 370 heads resulted in 8.55" intake pushrods and 8.60" exhaust pushrods, then whatever amount of pedestal shim resulted in 0.020" plunger depression.  I do still have those exact 3/8" diameter hardened pushrods from that engine and plenty of pedestal shims--call if you're interested.
Paul Kane
Paul Kane

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How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers Empty Re: How Much Lifter Preload--Pedestal Mount Rockers

Post  1EFF100 December 13th 2019, 11:29 am

Paul Kane wrote:
1EFF100 wrote:Hydraulic flat tappet, stock style rockers, pedestal mount.

By working with both pedestal shims and pushrod length, I like to optimize the rocker arm geometry while netting 0.020"-0.030" plunger depression once the rocker bolt is tightened.

The last engine I built that used those 370 heads resulted in 8.55" intake pushrods and 8.60" exhaust pushrods, then whatever amount of pedestal shim resulted in 0.020" plunger depression.  I do still have those exact 3/8" diameter hardened pushrods from that engine and plenty of pedestal shims--call if you're interested.
Thanks Paul, I appreciate that.

I ordered a large selection of shims from Summit a couple days ago--supposed to be here today.
If I run into problems, I'll give you a call.

Thanks again.


Posts : 265
Join date : 2009-10-31
Age : 59
Location : Eureka, Ca

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