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Is There a Lifter Shortage Now?

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Is There a Lifter Shortage Now? Empty Is There a Lifter Shortage Now?

Post  supervel45 October 7th 2022, 5:17 pm

Or is it just a Crower thing?


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Is There a Lifter Shortage Now? Empty Re: Is There a Lifter Shortage Now?

Post  rmcomprandy November 8th 2022, 8:38 pm

supervel45 wrote:Or is it just a Crower thing?

There is a slight shortage of some engine brands of high quality lifters.
Personally, I still have a few sets of genuine Ford Motor Company hyd, Flat lifters remaining from years ago.

Chinese and Korean lifters seem to be all over the place.


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Roseville, Michigan

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