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Can't make good cast iron anymore

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Can't make good cast iron anymore Empty Can't make good cast iron anymore

Post  Uglytruck October 11th 2022, 11:40 am

I'm not sure if this got posted before, I looked but didn't see it on here.  The guy that ordered my eliminator block for me ( 2 yrs ago ) said he talked to the owner of Eliminator and was told the EPA has banned the use of certain additives used in high strength cast iron castings.  I found an article here on the EPA's web site.   This might be old news but I though I'd throw it up here anyway.


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Age : 66
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Can't make good cast iron anymore Empty Re: Can't make good cast iron anymore

Post  supervel45 October 11th 2022, 12:47 pm

Here is a link from your link on the final 2020 rule.

It does say they made them stop using Methanol.

I didn't see any others prohibited but, it's probably 500 pages so it may be buried in there somewhere.Sad

Also the scrap has to be cleaner before melting. Sounds like fun and more cost. Let China do it. That's the end goal right? Evil or Very Mad


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Can't make good cast iron anymore Empty Re: Can't make good cast iron anymore

Post  rmcomprandy October 11th 2022, 7:45 pm

Uglytruck wrote:I'm not sure if this got posted before, I looked but didn't see it on here.  The guy that ordered my eliminator block for me ( 2 yrs ago ) said he talked to the owner of Eliminator and was told the EPA has banned the use of certain additives used in high strength cast iron castings.  I found an article here on the EPA's web site.   This might be old news but I though I'd throw it up here anyway.

I see see an abundance of heavy truck diesel power vehicles coming from many companies and they certainly have good cast iron blocks for their engines.

It is simply a matter of quantity and the major foundries not wanting to get involved in short runs because,
it doesn't make their investors enough MONEY.


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Join date : 2008-12-02
Location : Roseville, Michigan

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