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Which Starter?

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Which Starter? Empty Which Starter?

Post  rollercam1 May 19th 2023, 10:47 am

Having some starting troubles. The engine isnt anything special, 521, 10.5:1, hydraulic roller, .650" lift. The stock starter from 1969 has worked better than the high torque mini starter. I have all 0/1 welding cable for batter cables, all high quality connectors. Wont turn the engine back over if hot. What are you guys using?

Posts : 59
Join date : 2016-03-07

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Which Starter? Empty Re: Which Starter?

Post  rmcomprandy May 19th 2023, 11:05 am

rollercam1 wrote:Having some starting troubles. The engine isnt anything special, 521, 10.5:1, hydraulic roller, .650" lift. The stock starter from 1969 has worked better than the high torque mini starter. I have all 0/1 welding cable for batter cables, all high quality connectors. Wont turn the engine back over if hot.  What are you guys using?

Production O.E.M. gear reduction starter from a 90's 460 truck.

Be certain your ignition timing is correct.


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Which Starter? Empty Re: Which Starter?

Post  rollercam1 May 19th 2023, 1:08 pm

Interesting, I tried a used stock starter out of a 95' F250 7.5. and it didnt do any better than the 69' one. I have start retard on and the initial is 10 degrees till it spins 800rpm's. Worth a try to lower it though.

Posts : 59
Join date : 2016-03-07

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Which Starter? Empty Re: Which Starter?

Post  lance flake May 19th 2023, 2:29 pm

rollercam1 wrote:Interesting, I tried a used stock starter out of a 95' F250 7.5. and it didnt do any better than the 69' one. I have start retard on and the initial is 10 degrees till it spins 800rpm's. Worth a try to lower it though.

I have seen timing to low cause cranking trouble also. It should start fine in the 10-20 range. You may try to get engine spinning the flip ignition on.

lance flake

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Which Starter? Empty Re: Which Starter?

Post  stanger68 May 19th 2023, 7:06 pm

I agree with lance. My 557 wont crank with less than 17. But its 13.25:1 and on methanol. Different animal but still too low is just as bad as too high.


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