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aftermarket block

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aftermarket block Empty aftermarket block

Post  maverick172 August 27th 2023, 3:50 pm

so i am going to build a new build this winter and was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction for a aftermarket block ?
going to put putting a fair bit of power through it and want something to handle the power .
if i cannot find one i may have to look at getting a block 4 bolted and rock filling it . no luck finding blocks or 4 bolt main cap kits could you point me in the right direction


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aftermarket block Empty Re: aftermarket block

Post  supervel45 August 27th 2023, 5:55 pm

Have fun and break out you wallet is all I know.

The private guys who have a few A460's in the crate are sitting on them and want over 5K.

I take it you want a Steel Block?

At this point if you will take used you almost have to buy a complete engine and part it out and sell the parts.

These people claim to have billet 4 bolt splayed caps in stock.

I would check with Paul and Scott here and see what they have or will allow.

If you go Aluminum Your parts hunt will be easier in my opinion.

We will see what Ford Does with the 572 crates, Hopefully soon. Maybe something will pan out there for blocks also.


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aftermarket block Empty Re: aftermarket block

Post  maverick172 August 27th 2023, 6:13 pm

would i want to use that style of a main cap though ? i thought i need the "stepped caps " like mildon used to sell .
i would go aluminum i guess what are they worth and who has any?
supervel45 wrote:Have fun and break out you wallet is all I know.

The private guys who have a few A460's in the crate are sitting on them and want over 5K.

I take it you want a Steel Block?

At this point if you will take used you almost have to buy a complete engine and part it out and sell the parts.

These people claim to have billet 4 bolt splayed caps in stock.

I would check with Paul and Scott here and see what they have or will allow.

If you go Aluminum Your parts hunt will be easier in my opinion.

We will see what Ford Does with the 572 crates, Hopefully soon. Maybe something will pan out there for blocks also.


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aftermarket block Empty Re: aftermarket block

Post  supervel45 August 27th 2023, 6:14 pm

Oh I forgot you are up there, thought it was a different Maverick. Check with Frank, He has a bunch of Ford stuff.


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aftermarket block Empty Re: aftermarket block

Post  maverick172 August 27th 2023, 6:15 pm

frank who?
supervel45 wrote:Oh I forgot you are up there, thought it was a different Maverick. Check with Frank, He has a bunch of Ford stuff.


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aftermarket block Empty Re: aftermarket block

Post  supervel45 August 27th 2023, 6:27 pm

First I'd call/mail and see if those Splayed Main Caps are even in stock.

I don't know the preference of 4 Bolt caps on Thick vs. Thin main web blocks.

I hear 1,800 HP thrown around on the Aluminum blocks and in the Ad's. Of course if the Tune is Right they will take More Until they Don't.

They are "Worth" what someone will pay for them and 6K plus is what I have been hearing.

Frank Merkl. Look for him in the Transmission Section Here.

Last edited by supervel45 on August 27th 2023, 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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aftermarket block Empty Re: aftermarket block

Post  maverick172 August 27th 2023, 6:30 pm

supervel45 wrote:First I'd call/mail and see if those Splayed Main Caps are even in stock.

I don't know the preference of 4 Bolt caps on Thick vs. Thin main web blocks.

I hear 1,800 HP thrown around on the Aluminum blocks and in the Ad's. Of course if the Tune is Right they will take More Until they Don't.

They are "Worth" what someone will pay for them and 6K plus is what I have been hearing.

Frank Merkel. Look for him in the Transmission Section Here.

i will look him up
so who is a vendor for these aluminum blocks you speak of?i may have to call and see what they have in stock.
they come machined i take it for that price?


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aftermarket block Empty Re: aftermarket block

Post  supervel45 August 27th 2023, 6:38 pm

Start Here.

Read Through Their Website for more Info.


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